What will my life be like on the ride?

I can’t believe that three months have gone by since we made the decision to go traveling. Last Friday was my last day at work and during the next week, we will be packing the last bits, cleaning the house before the tenants arrive, and preparing the car which will be locked and left unused in the garage for a year. The dream is now real and each day, I am becoming more and more intrigue about how my live will be like from next week. For example, how will I feel:

  • When we are actually setting off. Next Friday, we will lock the house and we won’t be coming back until September 2015. How will we feel in a year’s time? Will we be ready to come back? How will we cope with routine? How much will this experience change us as an individual?
  • Not having the Monday to Friday routine: We enjoy our free time because of work. We need our evenings to rest after a long day in the office; we need our weekends to spend time with people other than colleagues, we can’t wait to go on holidays to relax and to change scenery. But, from next Friday, we won’t have that distinction between work and spare time; we won’t have weekends, and we won’t have the need to go on holidays to escape from work. By having so much free time, will we stop appreciating it?
  • Living in a motorhome:  We are leaving a four bedroom house to live in a 6 sq x 2 sq metres space, with no partitions between the bedroom, the kitchen and the resting area. There will be no privacy and no other places to go if Gary or I wish to spend time on our own.
  • Not being surrounded by many people: Back home, we have more chances to relate to different people. We spend most of our day with colleagues, and we can easily meet friends if we fancy a drink after work. However, from next week, Gary and I are going to be together 24/7. At some point we may feel the need to interact with other people to have different discussions, and to listen to other opinions and ideas.
  • Living out of the same stuff: While we are perfectly happy with the amount of ‘stuff’ we are taking, I do wonder whether I will miss a couple of more t-shirts and perhaps that nice dress that I thought I wasn’t going to wear it. However, I am determined to stick to budget, so I will firmly resist going on a shopping spree until I come back home next year.
  • Decision making: We will be finally free. We will be able to travel here or there, or we could travel somewhere else if we so choose. This freedom means having to constantly decide how we are going to spend our life the next day; where to go, what to do, and where to eat.

Don’t take me wrong. Going travelling is the best decision I have ever made and I am aware of how fortunate we are to have an opportunity like this. I guess I am coming up with these questions because I am incredibly excited about what the year ahead will bring us.

Have been a long term traveller? How did you feel before you set off?

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6 thoughts on “What will my life be like on the ride?

  • August 21, 2014 at 8:38 am

    Hola Fer,

    Ya tengo ganas de probar esos vinos caseros. Estaremos por alli hacia finales de año pero ya te avisare. Gary sin problemas con la España rural, dale lo que sea. Imaginate, despues de Guisando…

    Nos vemos pronto….

  • August 20, 2014 at 9:46 pm

    Holaaaaaaaaaaaa pareja!!
    Ya tenéis preparada vuestra habitación en un pueblecito rural de la provincia de Valladolid, con baño completo y ducha caliente…y muchoooooooooooooooo espacio. Y pienso dejaros en las manos de los viejcitos del pueblo para que os lleven a probar sus vinos caseros a las bodegas escavadas en la tierra. Gary flipará con la ruralidad española…jajajajaja. Esto es lo “rural” en estado puro.
    Un besazo grande, os seguimos!! y os envidiamos…

  • August 18, 2014 at 11:31 am

    hola Susana ya me he vuelto a suscribir a tu blog , espero recibir noticias vuestras pronto vía email besos

  • August 18, 2014 at 10:26 am

    Hola pareja, donde andais hoy? Miro el blog mañana y noche esperando saber en donde habeis empleado el dia .

    no dejes de escribirlo , aunque llegueis cansados se que lo haras…….besos

  • August 18, 2014 at 5:34 am

    Hola Jero,

    Me alegro de que me sigas y que estemos otra vez en contacto. Estamos super ilusionados; yo llevo un mes sin dormir. Pero tienes razon, fue la segunda decision mas dificil de mi vida, despues de la de dejar España para venirme a Londres.

    Estaremos por Toledo hacia finales de año. Ya te avisare.

    Un beso

  • August 17, 2014 at 9:19 pm

    Hola Susana,
    Habéis tomado una decisión valiente y difícil pero a la vez excitante muy excitante. Estoy convencido que vais a pasar el mejor año de vuestra vida y nos lo vais hacer pasar muy bien a todos los que os vamos a seguir.

    Mucho ánimo y suerte con vuestra aventura.

    Ya sabes donde tienes una parada obligatoria

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